i never thought i’d say this…

John Rott

John Rott

 But kudos to Louisville’s  Velocity Weekly for featuring a interracial couple in it’s main spread last week. The “wedding” photo shoot feature didn’t make the January 28th cover, but it made it’s pages nonetheless. 

Regardless of the color of our president, media/advertisers are still afraid of presenting a relationship that involves people of different races.

 Here’s to them for having the balls to print it.

 I was surprised though when I went to the online version to look for photos to include here.  In the ones selected for their website, you can’t really determine the race of the groom. It’s very evident in the print version. Puzzling.

I was recently made conscious of how interracial couples are neglected by the media (minus Seal and Heidi Klum) by reading a series of posts titled “How and why people of color are included in advertising”  on the Sociological Images blog.  It’s really got me thinking and in a perpetual state of irritation everytime I crack open a magazine or browse the web.